BRET MICHAELS Says Daughter RAINE's SPORTS ILLUSTRATED Swimsuit Success Has Been 'Bittersweet'

February 13, 2019

POISON singer Bret Michaels has told Yahoo Entertainment that he could not be prouder of his eldest daughter, 18-year-old Raine Michaels, who was recently announced as one of six finalists in the 2019 Sports Illustrated model search competition. This means that she has a one-in-six chance of shooting a spread for this year's edition of the iconic magazine issue.

"As a dad, I'm proud, but there's bittersweetness involved, because it's your daughter doing bikini [modeling]," Michaels said. "You know, it's Sports Illustrated! It's a bittersweet thing. I just look at it like this: I think she will be classy, it'll be awesome, and I'm proud."

Raine told Fox News in 2018 that it had always been a dream of hers to appear on the pages of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit.

"Sports Illustrated has been one of my goals since I was probably 13 years old," she said. "I've always wanted to be a part of Sports Illustrated. I loved the magazine. Kate Upton is one of my biggest role models in life. I've always loved that they really want to show that it's all about inner beauty that shines."

"Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes," Raine said. "There's no one shape or size that's perfect. And they show that all sizes, all shapes matter, all ethnicities are beautiful. That's something I really wanted to be a part of because that's what we need in the world today."

Raine and 13-year-old Jorja Bleu, along with their mom and Michaels's on-off love Kristi Gibson, appeared in the short-lived 2010 reality show "Bret Michaels: Life As I Know It".

Jorja Bleu co-wrote Bret's new single, "Unbroken", which will be released on March 15. "She played piano on it and she sang the harmonies with me," Bret said about Jorja. "It was a great bonding experience. The song is about overcoming adversity."

Photo credit: Mark Mazzanti

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